How to Turn Excuses into Action

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I run across too many facebook posts of people making excuses for their lack of success like…
– It’s Amazon’s fault.
– My spouse won’t let me.
– My English isn’t good enough.
– I don’t have time.
– I’m too old.
– The dog ate my homework.
– There’s a solar eclipse coming.
Ok, you get the idea. Now sometimes, a complaint is VALID.
But it’s what we DO about our complaints that defines our success.
So my advice to you today is to MAKE A LIST of all the excuses you’ve been making to NOT move your business or life forward.
Carry a pad of paper with you all weekend and everytime a defeatist “reason” floats through your brain, write it down.
On Monday morning, take a look at that list and you may laugh out loud at some of the excuses you’ve been using to hold yourself back!
THEN, make a list of all the ACTIONS you can take to overcome the valid excuses.
And get to work doing those things!
You have FINITE energy. Invest that energy into taking problem-solving action!
