Introverts Guide to Wholesale Sourcing

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By admitted-introvert Barbara Drazga

“I’m an Introvert.” Most people can’t believe it when they meet me. But it’s true.
Public speaking and performing music cause me extreme panic attacks. I’ve worked years to mitigate the anxiety I feel when in large groups of people.

Can you imagine my reaction anytime I had to pick up the PHONE <gasp!> to talk to a supplier??

I used to think I was ‘broken.’ Then I came to first embrace, then leverage, my unique skills as an introvert. I’m good at quickly learning what is important to the person I’m engaging with. I have empathy, and an authentic desire to help them.

How do you know if you’re an Introvert?

You are if you meet any or some of these criteria.
1. Being around lots of people drains you
2. You recharge through solitude
3. You have a small but close social circle
4. You prefer one-on-one interactions over large groups
5. People often describe you as quiet and may find It hard to get to know you
6. Too much stimulation leaves you feeling distracted and unfocused

I discovered recently, that I’m not alone as an introverted entrepreneur! Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg are some of the most successful entrepreneurs on the planet but did you know that ALL of them are introverts?

That means we’re in great company! Instead of seeing your introverted nature as a handicap in business, your introversion can be a powerful tool, when you leverage your inherent strengths!

Now let’s look at introversion from the perspective of an Amazon seller who is building a wholesale-based business. Maybe you never considered sourcing wholesale because you were SURE you’d never be successful picking up the phone and cold calling brand owners, right?

Well, here are MY thoughts on talking to Brand Owners can be fun and profitable when you’re an introvert!

Why being an introvert can give you a competitive edge in business:
Success is largely determined by an ability to play to your strengths:

1. Introverts shine at one-on-one interactions
2. Introverts like to make order out of chaos and they achieve that by listening, observing and analyzing a situation
3. Introverts are usually fully-engaged listeners and tend to ask the right questions. Because most people are better at talking than listening, you’ll stand out as someone who values the speaker
4. Trust that once you get through the initial introduction, you will be able to connect with supplier on a deeper level, better understand their perspective, and deliver a level of service your competition can’t.
5. introverts often excel at writing – follow up initial phone call with well-crafted email outlining the key points of the conversation
6. Introverts have super strong powers of observation
7. Introverts are great problem solvers: they have the ability to see multiple points of view and different ways of reaching a solution to the problem at hand

How to Mitigate Anxiety Before you Pick up the Phone with a Potential Supplier:
1. Take a walk to burn off nervous energy
2. Focus on your desired end result – write it down
3. Take 10 deep breaths, eyes closed
4. Drink cup of warm, decaf tea
5. Have your 3 main talking points written in front of you
6. Adopt a “Serving First” perspective
7. Take a deep, measured breath and dial the number

Develop your Talking Points:
A good brand understands that their Brand is their lifeline. They want to sell to quality resellers who will help represent their brans on Amazon positively
1. Find the right person – ask for sales manager of wholesale accounts
2. Make the conversation about their needs.
3. Focus on how you can help THEM sell more, using your skills as a professional Amazon seller.

Price Negotiating:
1. ALWAYS ASK for a discount – use a technique called “Assumptive close”. Word your statement ASSUMING they will give you a discount. Something like “You probably have different pricing levels based on volume purchasing. What’s the best price you can give us so we can get started?”
2. Develop relationship by asking questions about their growth goals, their online selling strategy, their new product launches for this year etc.
3. “Im trying to get it to XX price to make it worth me marketing and carrying this product. What’s the best you can do?

I hope this helps you get started.
FEAR is just an energy. It can be used to hold you back, or propel you forward.

I challenge you within 48 hours to practice these steps.
It’s OK if it doesn’t go well. The key is PRACTICE and through practice it WILL get easier.

To your Sourcing Success!
Barbara Drazga
Aka the “Deal Diva”

3 replies on “Introverts Guide to Wholesale Sourcing”

  1. A really excellent article! “FEAR is just an energy. It can be used to hold you back, or propel you forward.” Absolutely!!!

  2. Love this Barbara as I’m introverted as well. I know this can be done. My issue is time. My youngest son will start K this year and he is high maintenance so I don’t have a lot of free time but I have been selling on Amazon since last February with success while working 50 hours a week but I know I need to scale if I ever want to make real money and quit my job. Once my son is in school I will have the quiet time to focus. I’m not sure if I will sign up now or the next go around whenever that may be. I want to be able to “jump in” as soon as I purchase anything but am also realistic about how much time I truly have to the project. I don’t let this hinder me bc I know there’s an end point and I CAN do it! The information I have found on FB, web and searching around as been phenomenal and I just want to thank you and all the others for freely sharing it. If I don’t join in Jan I will continue learning as I can until my sons in school and then that’s when I plan to hit it full force. I want to be successful but my children come first and you only have them for a little while before the world starts to get them so I am trying to be with them as much as possible and impart good morals and values in them bedfor they head out into the “real world”.

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