Separate the Message from the Messenger

Sharing is caring!

Have you ever thought or heard these statements?

  • “I won’t watch his videos, he curses too much!”
  • “I don’t like his speaking style, so I don’t follow him.
  • “She rambles, so I don’t read her emails.”

My thought for you today, is that we can learn from EVERYONE.

When you learn to separate the message from the messenger, and look for the golden nuggets in what they are saying, or HOW they are saying it, that’s when you gain power over your knee-jerk emotional responses.

Ask yourself: What 1 piece of information can I extract from this video, blog post, email, course, speaker, presentation, etc that I can apply to my business or life right now?

Maybe it’s not even about what CONTENT you can glean, but what can you learn by HOW they are presenting it. Have you ever seen a training video or course and think, “I can do that better!”? That’s an opportunity for you. Examine how they are delivering the content, and create a better presentation, with more content, and presented in a way that is more consumable.

So let’s say someone has a course. But their training style personally grates on your nerves. Go through the course, ignoring their personal style, and take the lessons into your business. You don’t have to have a coffee with that person. You don’t have to be best buddies. Heck you don’t even have to join their group on Facebook to get value.

When you learn to separate ego from education, you get alot smarter, alot faster. And have less drama and stress!